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Welcome to the Virtual Launch Entrepreneurship Academy
Post your headshot.
All About You
Module 1 - SKA Inventory - What Is Your Super Power?
Module 1 - SKAs - Intanglible Skills
Module 1 - SKAs - Tangible Skills*
Module 1 - Who's In Your Tribe? Who Have You Been Called To?
What's Your Tribe's Name?
Module 1 Launch Action Steps
Conduct Your Research / Create Survey
Create Your Scheduler
Module 1 - Develop Your Moniker
Module 1 - My Moniker Is
Module 2 - Social Media Butterfly
Post Magnets
Social Media Butterfly - Instagram
Social Media Butterfly Page - FB
Module 3 - I.C.E.
Creating Your I.C.E.
Complete I.C.E. Worksheet
Module 4 - Create Your Product or Service?
Description of Your Product or Service
Create Your Intro Video - Take 1!
Survey Says
Create Your Freebie
Create Your Trip Wire Offer
Create Your 1st Upsell
Create Your 2nd Tier Offer
Create Your Down Sell Offer
DM Script Example
Module 4 - What's Appening? TM
Download Canva
Create a Mail Chimp Account
10 Cool Apps
Landing Page - How Will You Know Who Stopped By?
Module 5 - What the Deck?
Webinar Template
Start Telling Stories - True Stories that Is.
Module 6 - Market Your Product
Let the World Know
Module 7 - You Talking About Practice?
You Talking About Practice?
Recording Your Webinar
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
Steps to Create Your Zoom Video
Live Webinar
PowerPoint Webinbar Recording
Module 8 - Email Sequence
The Product Launch Formula
Pre-Launch Sequence
Day 1 - Send Welcome Message
Module 8 - Build Your Product
It's Tme To Create Your Outline!
Product Description
Module 9 - Test Your Product
Testing 1-2-3
Module 10 - Build Your Private Group
Go Live!
Post Helpful Content
Other Ways to Make Money
Buidling an Online Store
Share Your Testimonial About the Course
Refer a Friend!
Share Your Experience
Virtual Training Certification
Schedule Your Virtual Train the Trainer Session
Get Your Mission-Minded T-Shirt!
Your T-Shirt!
Teach online with
Create Your Trip Wire Offer
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